Saturday, October 1, 2022

Blocking Out Black Areas in a Illustration - Making COMICS and ART 273

When you draw a picture, if its cover art, a pinup or even a panel from a comic book you want it to grab people's attention. Now I've seen with many who use digital tools (Use what you have I say, that's coming from someone how has been using traditional tools for going just past 3 decades.) Time and again line art of drawings where its only just that, lines. Flat lines at that. We can do better. We can add volume and depth, light and shadow. Don't just do what you know how to do, push yourself as well as your skills into areas you may never have before.
When I draw this Aquaman piece I liked the bare bones well enough, but wanted to add a bit more to it.
I wanted to block out some black areas. 

So I copied and replicated the image 6 times. Do this with your next piece of art. 
REMEMBER, the next time you see a amazing piece of art online or in a comic think about it for a second. You think they just magically applied pencil to paper the very first time and went right into inks without even a thought on how it would take shape? Without erasing? Without trial and error??


The very best artists have used all the art practices you've seen in book s and online over and over again. Mastering them, sure. So the one or even 100 times they went live streaming working on some new art they have already done it both wrong and right so they can even live make it look ever so easy.

Here is a stream I did, making the above piece with my thoughts as I went.

I hope you've learned something new here today. ...or at the very least re-learned not to take the steps for granted.

Keep making art, Peter.

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